The industrialization in the state of Maranhão: an analysis of industrial development plan
Industrial Policy, Regional Development, MaranhãoAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the strategy development proposed in the state of Maranhão for its Industrial Development Plan IDP-2020 and the effects on its economy. Thus, a brief literature review was done, which is relevant to industrial policies to support the IDP-2020 analysis. After that, the impacts on the plans were analyzed. The results indicated that the areas of education, energy and infrastructure showed more dynamism as a result of the measures implemented by PDI 2020.Downloads
How to Cite
Pereira, M. R. da S., & Coronel, D. A. (2013). The industrialization in the state of Maranhão: an analysis of industrial development plan. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 4(1). Retrieved from
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