Effects from Petrobras management model in regional small and medium-sized supply chain firms
Excellence Criteria, Quality-oriented Management Model, Small and Middle Sized Companies, Supply ChainAbstract
This research aims to analyze a Quality-oriented Management Model implemented by Petrobras’ small and middle firms which take part in its supply chain. The implemented model was founded on the Petrobras’ Guidelines and was part of a comprehensive Suppliers Qualification Program, based on the National Quality Foundation for Excellence’s criteria. This study analyzed three aspects regarding the implementation process, which are: managerial practices changing, results achieved after first year of implementation and difficulties that have risen up along the implementation process in such firms. Conclusions indicated that implementing a Management Model based contributed to improve Business Planning and Business Performance Control. And also has contributed to follow the main targets established aiming to gradually improve managerial and operational practices towards to achieve best performance. Finally, conclusions have pointed out an effective contribution from the Quality-oriented Management Model implemented to increase competitiveness of Regional Small and Middle Suppliers.Downloads
How to Cite
Pereira, I. F., Santos, I. C. dos, & Del'Arco Júnior, A. P. (2011). Effects from Petrobras management model in regional small and medium-sized supply chain firms. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 2(1). Retrieved from https://www.lajbm.com.br/journal/article/view/14
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