Education and development


  • Edson Pereira da Silva
  • Paulo César Ribeiro Quintairos
  • Elvira Aparecida Simões de Araújo


Education, Development, Higher Education


This paper analyzes at first: the expansion of higher education in Goiás in the 80s: euroria times, then check policies for higher education in Brazil in the 90s and Higher Education in the State of Goiás, and finally seeks to understand economic development and regional issue. The text emphasizes that development is a global social process. And that in a world of intense global economic relations, it is difficult to quantify the development, mainly in the regional aspect. This text, which has an exploratory nature, was conducted through literature. Finally, it seeks to demonstrate that education and development are integral parts for quality higher education.

How to Cite

Silva, E. P. da, Quintairos, P. C. R., & Araújo, E. A. S. de. (2014). Education and development. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 4(2). Retrieved from


