QFD methodology implementation: a proposal for small and medium Brazilian companies acting on telecommunications services sector
Quality, Services, Quality Function Deployment (QFD)Abstract
The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a Quality tool. The goal of this tool is intended to assist companies in improving the quality of services provided to its customers. This paper presents a model plan for deployment of QFD in a small company acting on telecommunication services sector. The research is a case study, exploratory and descriptive. It is a bibliographic and documentary work, with parts of the report documents the experience of administrative processes in the company. The results show that small and medium service companies in the telecommunications industry can gain advantages by adopting the QFD tool, to establish the quality planned. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain an improvement of the processes and evaluating the client using the tool to measure quality obtained.Downloads
How to Cite
Quintairos, P. C. R., Oliveira, E. A. de A. Q., & Duarte, B. (2014). QFD methodology implementation: a proposal for small and medium Brazilian companies acting on telecommunications services sector. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 4(2). Retrieved from https://www.lajbm.com.br/journal/article/view/174
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