The founding proposition of democratic-participatory management is the opening of privileged spaces for debate so that all voices are heard, included and express their anxieties and indignations and, collectively, finding or building solutions to such demands. The objective of this case is to analyze the experience of the management team of the Pedagogy Department of a University in Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo, which, in partnership with the management of other courses that are also located on the same campus, has been committed to promoting equity. Driven by the questions, “how can democratic-participatory management contribute to relationships based on equity? How can this management model stimulate an organizational climate that promotes equity?”, we seek to achieve the following objectives: present and critically analyze some achievements of the management team of the Pedagogy course with a view to problematizing whether such actions promoted, stimulated and disseminated processes and equal relationships, capable of generating sociocultural transformation, minimally, within the limits of the campus where it is located. Methodologically, the premises of democratic-participatory management were followed, in order to meet demands and build solutions collectively. Among the results, which were not quantified, we noticed an organizational climate favorable to the achievements – community kitchen and bathroom with free and unrestricted access – with the appropriate and harmonious use of spaces and positive assessments regarding the leveling of the floor access to the classrooms . We conclude that democratic-participatory management can contribute to processes that promote equity, understood as a mature and conscious overcoming of equal treatment which, in itself, is a historic achievement.
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