Indicadores de sustentabilidade aplicados a fontes de geração de energia
The study explores the complexity of choosing sustainability indicators for energy sources, acknowledging disagreements between researchers and emphasizing the importance of the exercise to drive the creation of more accurate indicators. The application of the proposed indicators enables a scientific analysis of energy sources, providing valuable input for energy planning decisions and minimizing external influences. The critical review of Maxim’s indicators highlights challenges in comparing efficiency due to the diversity of energy resources, stressing the need for sustainable water use. The changes in normalization and weighting seek to balance the evaluation, despite acknowledging limitations in the methodology. Although they do not significantly impact the final ranking in relation to Maxim’s work, the modifications indicate greater proximity between the technologies evaluated in terms of sustainability. Hydroelectric power stands out as the most sustainable option, while biomass is a comparable alternative to natural gas. These results highlight the importance of considering sustainable criteria in energy decisions, with implications not only for the sector, but also for complex and multidimensional decision-making contexts.
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