A governança corporativa
The objective of the present study was to analyze the existence (or not) of Corporate Governance in the Third Sector of the Municipality of Caraguatatuba, in light of changes in legislation, especially with the approval of Federal Law no. 13.019/14 (Regulatory Framework for the Third Sector). Taking as a basis the aforementioned Regulatory Framework and the premise that corporate governance structures are (or can be) applied to the third sector, being more assertive when linked to its management, not when it comes to promoting transparency, responsibility, accountability and sustainability, this historical and legal study, with exploratory, documentary and bibliographical research, based on official documents, accountability reports and those obtained from the municipality's website, in addition to a case study with answers in a specific form, enabled an investigation and presentation of results. The text highlights that, although the CSOs in Caraguatatuba presented changes in relation to the presence of Corporate Governance principles in their management after the approval of the Law, and demonstrated potential to collaborate efficiently with the public sector, there is still a need for improvement, especially in relation to transparency, decentralized leadership, objective performance assessment and legal compliance, highlighting the importance of implementing the Regulatory Framework to improve inspection, monitoring and accountability. The study also presents the relationship between the partnerships made and the fulfillment of the SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, targets 17.17 and 17.18.
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