Análise do nível de maturidade em transformação digital





With the emergence of new digital technologies such as social networks, mobile devices, big data, internet of things, artificial intelligence, the industrial sector in all areas has been investing heavily in these technologies. This investment involves transformations of core business operations and affects products, services and processes, as well as organizational structures. Adopting digital transformation (DT) and Industry 4.0 concepts is increasingly important for manufacturing companies operating in dynamic and competitive markets. The implementation of DT, to be better understood, should be considered as a “maturity” process. To this end, researchers and consulting companies have developed several Digital Transformation Maturity Models (MMTD) with the aim of helping companies diagnose their stage and guide how they should move towards leveraging a higher level of digital maturity. The project sought to understand the level of maturity in companies in Vale do Paraíba. The IMPULS model, formulated by Lichtblau, Goericke and Stich (2015), was chosen for the work, as it presents several published works with satisfactory results. 12 companies were selected, of which 6 agreed to participate by returning 16 validated forms. By analyzing the questionnaires, the companies' level of maturity in digital transformation was determined, as well as the type of company and characteristics within the applied DT maturity model. It can be concluded that analyzing a company's level of TD maturity can contribute to the assessment of its stage of evolution of industry 4.0 concepts.

Author Biography

José Manoel Souza das, Centro Paula Souza

Doutor em Ciências pelo programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica (Gerência de Produção) da Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá - UNESP (2011). Mestre em Engenharia (Engenharia de Produção) pela Escola Politécnica - USP (1999). Graduado em Tecnologia em Construção Civil pela FATEC São Paulo do Centro Paula Souza (1977). Atualmente é Professor do Ensino Superior III da Faculdade de Tecnologia de Guaratinguetá - FATEC, do Centro Paula Souza. Professor do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Tecnologia em Sistemas Produtivos do Centro Paula Souza. Professor de cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu. Membro do corpo editorial da Revista Cientí­fica On-line Tecnologia, Gestão e Humanismo da FATEC Guaratinguetá. Atua nas áreas de engenharia de produção e de administração, com ênfase em qualidade, fatores organizacionais, dimensões competitivas da manufatura, inovação e empreendedorismo.



How to Cite

José Manoel Souza das. (2024). Análise do nível de maturidade em transformação digital: EM INDÚSTRIAS DO VALE DO PARAÍBA. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 15(2).