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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The texts may be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. They must be typed in Word for Windows, open office, A4 (21 cm X 29,7 cm) sheet size, 3 cm superior left margin, 2 cm inferior right margin and 1,5 spacing. The font must be Times New Roman, size 12, excepting more than three lines quotations, footer notes, pagination, illustration legend and the charts that must be typed in smaller size and uniformly, according to NBR 14724 from ABNT.

Texts Extension

The articles must extend 10 to 20 pages (with references), and the reviews, minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 with 1,5 spacing.


The text title must be centralized, uppercase, bold word, size 14, on the top of the page. It must have English version below the Portuguese title.

Summary and Keyword

The summary (article, essay, scientific communication), preceded by these caption and the colon in bold, must contain the goals, the methodology, the results and the conclusion in an unique paragraph, justified, no indentation, simple spacing, minimum of 100 and maximum of 250 words, according to NBR 6028 from ABNT, in the same article font, uppercase initial letter, two simple spacing below the title.

The keywords, from 3 to five, preceded by caption and colon, must have uppercase initial letters  and must be separated by a period or ended by a period, in the same text form, justified alignment, simple spacing, no indentation, two simple spacing below the summary.


Abstract and keywords

The abstract and the keywords must be preceded by these captions and by colon, in the same summary formatting and the keywords. They must be written after the summary and the keywords.

Text Structure

The text must be started by two simple spacing below the keywords; 1,5 spacing, justified paragraphs and 1,25 indentation in the first line. The section captions must be left aligned, in bold, no indentation, with the initial letter of the first word in capital, no numbering, size 12.


The quotations will follow the author-data according to NBR 10520 from ABNT. The author will be mentioned in parenthesis, exclusively by the surname, separated by publication date comma: (SILVA, 1985). When authors’ surnames coincidence were found, add the forenames   initials: (SILVA, C., 1985) and (SILVA, O.,1995). If the coincidence persists, write the forenames: (SILVA, Cláudio, 1965). If the author’s name is written on the text, denote only the date in parenthesis: “Pereira (1990) affirms that…”. When it’s necessary to specify the page(s), they must follow the date, comma and identification p: (BAKTHIN, 1992p. 315). In case of page intervals, separate the initial from the final with a hyphen: (MAINGUENEAU, 1995, p.12-15)

The work quotations of a same author, published in the same year, must be discriminated by lowercase letters after the date, no spacing: (SOUZA, 1972a, 1972b). When the work has two or more authors, all of them must have the surnames indicated, separated by semicolon (SOUZA; SILVA; CORREA, 1945); when there are more than three authors, it will be indicated by the first surname followed by et al.: (GONÇALVES et al., 1980).

Scientific Spelling Terms

For the scientific spelling terms, in the Clipeodonto journal particular case, the terms must be spelled unabbreviated, instead of its abbreviated symbolic corresponding. In this category, the compound names, the chemical elements and the binominals of microbiological, zoological and botany nomenclature are included. The generic product names must be preferred as their respective commercial brands, always followed, in parentheses, by the manufacture, city and country in which was made names, separated by comma. For measure units, must be used the International Unity System. Foreign words must be avoided in Portuguese texts, use their translation. If it’s impossible, the foreign terms must be written in italic. Each abbreviation or acronym must be written out at the first time it appears in the text.


The notes must be put at the footer and must follow the word structure. They must be used for comments, clarifications, explanations, indications, notes or text supplement done by the author that can’t be included in the text. The remissions must be done by Arabic figures overwritten after any punctuation signal, having unique and consecutive numbering.


The illustrations (pictures, figures, schemes, flowcharts, photographs, graphics, maps, charts, plans and others) must be accepted, but they must be marked in the text, with identification in the inferior part, preceded by the designative word, followed by its occurrence order number, in Arabic figures, from the respective title and/or an explanatory legend in a brief and clear form.


The charts (statistically information treated) must be numbering with Arabic numbers, with identification on the superior part, preceded by the work Tabela, on the left of the page. If it’s necessary, the font must be put below the chart.


The acknowledgments and the help received, preceded by the caption “Acknowledgments”, and colon, in bold, unique paragraph, maximum of three lines, justified, no indentation, simple spacing, two lines after the end of the text.


The references, preceded by this title, in bold, must be left aligned, justified, no indentation, in alphabetic surname order and, in case of same author, in chronological sequence of the work publication mentioned, two simple spacing after the text or the acknowledgments, according to NBR 6023 from ABNT. When there are up to six authors, all of them must be quoted. More than six authors, indicate the first six, followed by et tal.

Ethics Considerations

In case the articles present search reports that involve human beings, the studies must be according to the Resolution 196/96 of the Heath National Council and must be approved by the ethics commission of the origin institution.


Comprises texts that contain complete reports of studies or completed research.

Relatórios Técnicos

Compreendem documentos que tenham por objetivo coletar e armazenar dados observados em pesquisas científicas aderentes às áreas de interesse da publicação.


Comprises theoretical and methodological studies and opinionated character texts


Includes the presentation of public or private organizations experiences to contribute to the knowledge of corporate resolutions of problems.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.