Application of isa and pareto diagram as management of the plots Lagoa Carapebus Serra / ES
Environmental Indicator, Pareto Diagram, Management, PlotsAbstract
Application of the Indicator of Environmental Health (ISA), with further elaboration of Pareto Diagram allowed to verify the sanitary and environmental conditions of the plots Lagoa Carapebus along with the use of primary data (field information) and application forms to the local community. These management tools include qualitative and quantitative aspects of public services. The final ISA presented a situation of average health, because high scores of some components of the ISA provided this result. In constructing the Pareto diagram identified that the sewerage service requires priority attention of public manager. The survey showed the environmental awareness of residents on the importance of preserving natural resources of the settlement. Thus, the primary data, secondary research and opinion on environmental issues and health of the settlement provide greater reliability to the results obtained by the ISA and the Pareto diagram.Downloads
How to Cite
Neumann, B., Calmon, A. P. S., & Aguiar, M. M. (2013). Application of isa and pareto diagram as management of the plots Lagoa Carapebus Serra / ES. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 4(1). Retrieved from
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