The mapping and analysis of efficiency in operations and procedures for to make the coil sale for point in the goiania's graphic
efficiency, performance evaluation, production processAbstract
This article aims to analyze the efficiency of the production process of manufacturing of coils point of sale. The study was composed of four steps interdependent and inter-related. Initially rose up and operations phases of the production process. Following, there was the mapping of the flow of operations by stage of the process. Using the graphical representation by means of flow charts for better visualization of the stages. For construction of flow was used Software Microsoft Office Visio 2007. This tool enabled the construction of flows that illustrate realistic and objective way of the production system. Subsequently, they were accompanied by five "hits" (complete cases) for observation of the effectiveness of production process of reels point of sale. To evaluate the efficiency were calculated and analyzed the performance for the operations and stages. For calculation purposes we used the software Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The results showed a quantitative-qualitative analysis of the efficiency of the system and specifically the production process of the coils point of sale.
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