Behavioral finance: a literature review of papers in Brazil and countries abroad


  • Michel Dias Corrêa
  • Luiz Panhoca


Behavioral Finance, Psychology, Sociology


The main objectives of this article operate in the discussion of the subject Behavioral Finance, being taken in parallel to the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH). The predictability of financial returns is another point to be discussed, because the EMH fails when the prediction of returns. The Behavioral Finance leave the assumption of unlimited rationality aside, working with related fields such as psychology and sociology. Various components of theoretical are addressed to give emphasis to an issue that is in vogue since the beginning of the decade and having a larger presence in Brazil. The anomalies in the markets are treated by the conventional theory of finance differently to the treatment given by the Behavioral Finance, which is based on limiting the rationality of agents and not only on information that is available in the markets.

How to Cite

Corrêa, M. D., & Panhoca, L. (2010). Behavioral finance: a literature review of papers in Brazil and countries abroad. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 1(1). Retrieved from


