

Recent changes in the expected leaning outcomes of engineering graduates as an answer to evolution in society have challenged teachers and higher education institutions (HEIs) to develop and assess students' transferable skills. Competencies such as teamwork, communication, leadership, and problem solving are essential not only for engineers but also for managers in many fields. The assessment of transferable skills is a complex process; not yet properly investigated. As so, it lacks the development of adequate instruments for its application in research and on real practice in HEIs. The objective of this article is to present the development process and initial tests of the Questionnaires for the Assessment of Engineering Students’ Skills Competencies of Engineering Students (QuACT, in Portuguese) in the scales of self-assessment, peer and teacher assessment. The research method considered the procedures for constructing psychological instruments as a reference. The study was applied to a class of an Engineering program in a private HEI in Brazil, and involved a group of seven experts in the field. Preliminary results indicate that the proposed system has proved adequate for broadening the perception of soft skills, with the inclusion of students as assessment agents. Students were able to self-assess and assess their peers in transferable skills not assessed by the teacher. There were no significant differences between the medians of self and peer assessments’ results. Further research envisages the expansion of studies to ensure the psychometric quality of the instruments and their use for other courses and HEIs.

Author Biographies

Tatiana Gesteira de Almeida Ferraz, Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC

Tatiana Ferraz graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Bahia (1998) and Pedagogical Training from the University of Southern Santa Catarina (2009). She holds a Master's degree in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) from the University of São Paulo (2001) and an Executive MBA in Construction Business Management (2008). She is a doctoral student in Industrial Management and Technology at SENAI CIMATEC, developing research on transferable skills assessment in engineering education. Currently, she is Vice Provost for Finance and Administration at SENAI CIMATEC, where she acts also as Executive Manager of the Technical School and Online Education Business. She has experience in Civil Engineering, Business Management, Education Management, and Distance Learning, with a broad systemic view of processes and focus on results.

Camila de Sousa Pereira-Guizzo, Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC

Graduada em Psicologia, com Especialização em Gestão Organizacional e Recursos Humanos. Mestre e Doutora em Educação Especial pela UFSCar. Professora Adjunta do Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC e Docente Permanente nos Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu Modelagem Computacional e Tecnologia Industrial (Conceito CAPES 6) e Gestão e Tecnologia Industrial (Conceito CAPES 5) do SENAI CIMATEC. É Coordenadora Adjunta do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa em Seres Humanos (CEP CIMATEC). Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa do CNPq Fatores Humanos e Aprendizagem Tecnológica (SENAI CIMATEC). Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Relações Interpessoais e Habilidades Sociais (RIHS/UFSCar) e do Grupo de Trabalho Relações Interpessoais e Competência Social da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Psicologia (ANPEPP). Atua especialmente com temas sobre relações interpessoais e habilidades sociais, produção de tecnologias para favorecer o desenvolvimento humano, criatividade e inovação. Já orientou 31 dissertações de mestrado e 03 teses de doutorado. Tem 35 artigos publicados em periódicos, 07 capítulos de livros e 01 livro organizado. Aprovou e coordenou, junto a FAPESB, o projeto RECURSO TECNOLÓGICO PARA DESENVOLVIMENTO DE COMPETÊNCIAS PROFISSIONAIS E PROMOÇÃO DE CIÊNCIA, TECNOLOGIA E INOVAÇÃO (CONVÊNIO SENAI-FAPESB Nº 0011/2014), no período de 2014 a 2016.



How to Cite

Gesteira de Almeida Ferraz, T., & de Sousa Pereira-Guizzo, C. . (2022). AUTOAVALIAÇÃO, AVALIAÇÃO POR PARES E POR PROFESSORES DE COMPETÊNCIAS TRANSVERSAIS DE ESTUDANTES DE ENGENHARIA: ESTUDO PILOTO. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 13(2). Retrieved from


