The Evolution of eGovernment in the European Union: a vision of the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the middle of the Digital Era
From a Govern to Citizen (G2C) perspective, this article addresses the importance of the role of eGovernment in contemporary society, finding a framework in a digital culture. Seen as the future path to follow to build more resilient and sustainable societies, eGovernment does not only imply technological changes, but rather, a change at the cultural level. Following a document analysis of different authors and European institutions, the evolution of eGovernment in the European Union is presented, aiming to explain the various socioeconomic factors that can influence its development. One of the conclusions is that political will, plays an important role as an enabler of inclusive public participation to align public policies with the defined objectives. The challenges that eGovernment may face in the future are also presented, which are essentially related to the concept of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
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