Exploring concetions of School Management: Approaches and implications in Contemporary education
This article, of a theoretical nature, aims to explore and analyze the different conceptions of school management, considering the implications of professional performance in administrative and pedagogical leadership and in the development of educational institutions. In this sense, some approaches and their characteristics are presented. When considering the references that allowed discussions and analyses, it is concluded that different management concepts can reveal the complexity and relevance of the school manager's performance. Knowledge about each of the concepts can provide an opportunity to understand the challenges of school management in contemporary times, as well as present the commitment made to the manager's functions, for actions ranging from the management of human, financial and bureaucratic resources, which involve specific knowledge and basic skills to manage and ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved in the school community, which certainly involves ideological, political, cultural and social issues.
Keywords: Management Conceptions. School Manager. School management.
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