

This research discusses investment funds and investigates the investor profile of students in the final year of the Financial Management course, offered by FATEC in Osasco. The goal of this work is conceptualize investment securities such as Tesouro Direto, Debentures, BDR, Shares, Real Estate and Multimarket Funds, in addition to understanding and identifying investor profiles. The research is of an applied nature, characterized by a quantitative approach, having field research as a technical procedure. As a result, the majority of students began to invest in the period in which they were enrolled in the course, and that the predominant profile is the Moderate Profile. This article was able to contribute to the university, since a survey was made of which subjects of the course were more and less relevant for learning about investments, according to the perspective of the students of the Financial Management course.

Biografía del autor/a

Gabriela Ranieri Lassen, Fatec/Osasco

Graduada em Tecnologia de Gestão Financeira pela Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo (Fatec-Osasco/SP) e em Secretariado pela Fatec de Carapicuiba/SP.

Fernando de Almeida Santos, Pontifí­cia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Pós-doutor e doutor em ciências contábeis pela PUC/SP (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo). Professor do Mestrado Profissional em Ciências Contábeis, Controladoria e Finanças -PUC-SP; Professor da FATEC-Osasco, com atuação em Responsabilidade Social, Ética, Contabilidade e Administração.



Cómo citar

Lassen, G. R., & de Almeida Santos, F. (2023). PERFIL DE INVESTIDOR DOS ALUNOS DE GESTÃO FINANCEIRA. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 14(2). Recuperado a partir de